Amanda Fitzpatrick represented WWAY and got a chance to partner with the organization to mentor a student about television and get news coverage. The event recognized new chapter members and graduating seniors in their student success mentoring program. The money raised goes towards student scholarships, funding college trips and educational events for the students.
Students in their success academy meet two Saturdays each month and learn life and job skills while attending seminars and field trips. “This is one of those programs that really helped me along, really gave me good inspiration to do more, be more. And it’s just been amazing, and thanks to them, I’m a proper gentleman who’s going off to college, and hopefully might end up in a career in law enforcement,” said award recipient Quamek James.
The members hold workshops weekly at Williston, D.C. Virgo and Leland middle schools to mentor students. Once those students enter high school they can join the success academy.