For some reason people were a bit chatty and rowdy Friday night at the Addison Improv. So imagine my surprise when one lady dressed in a pink chiffon dress, decided to clap back at the comedian on stage. Let's just say Damon wasn't having it and made sure to give the audience something even funnier to laugh at!
The rest of the shows were just as great, and I'm so glad I got a chance to see my media colleague (yes he is on the tom Joyner morning show so I can call him that) and check out his shows. We also tried to show him around town with a trip to one popular spot in Addison. I won't mention there name because they give me a hard time everytime I go! But we go to watch people dancing and having a good time, so it was cool.
Can't wait until the next show, I love how the Improv manager always gives me a hug and makes sure they give me and my crew good seats at their shows.